Feature Branch

In the case of developing new features and fix bugs, you can ask the CUBRID committers to create a feature branch in the develop branch.

Create the name of the Feature Branch as follows:

  • feature/<name>

example) feature/javasp, feature/tde, feature/truncate_table

  • If you set the name as above, The Github Checks can be performed automatically.

The main purpose of the feature branch is to divide the code review into several rounds when the size of the code to be merged is large. Rather than merging only a part of the function in the develop branch, the feature branch will conduct efficient code review with multiple PRs and merge them more reliably in the develop branch.

Note that git commands are managed as follows:

# 1. create feature branch 
git remote add upstream 

git fetch upstream
git checkout -b feature/my_feature upstream/develop
git push -u upstream feature/my_feature

# 2. Multiple PRs on github
git fetch upstream
git checkout -b CBRD-OOOOO upstream/feature/my_feature
   # many commits (development in progress)
git push -u origin CBRD-OOOOO
   # Code review after PR creation
# 2. Repeat multiple times == multiple review rounds

# 3. sync with develop by merge (do not PR commit for sync)
git checkout feature/my_feature
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/feature/my_feature // should be fast-forward merging
git merge upstream/develop
git push upstream feature/my_feature

# 2. Repeat multiple times == multiple review rounds

git push origin CBRD-OOOOO

# Create PR for CBRD-00000

*Note: Feature branches can be created at any time, and will be deleted after the feature has been reviewed and merged into the develop branch.

Last updated

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