
CUBRID uses JIRA to manage its projects, and all changes are managed on an issue-by-issue basis. JIRA issues can have nine statuses as shown in the diagram: Open, Confirmed, Analysis, Develop, Handover, Backport, Resolved, Test, and Closed, and the status of an issue is updated according to its progress. An issue starts in the Open status and is completed when it reaches Closed.

The primary actor responsible for advancing an issue may vary depending on the status.

For instance, in Open status, the project maintainer performs a triage on the issue, approves it, and assigns it to a developer, moving it to Confirmed status.

Analysis status involves the developer analyzing the assigned issue, including analysis, design, proof of concept (POC), and peer review of the design before development begins.

Develop status involves developing based on the analyzed information, peer reviews, unit testing, and code merging.

Handover status is a preparatory stage for transferring to the Quality Assurance (QA) team, including organizing test scenarios, writing manuals, and modifying regression tests.

In Resolved status, the QA maintainer assigns the issue to a tester.

The designated tester then changes the status to Test and performs QA tasks.

Backport status reflects the tested issue's code and manual to a lower version.

However, the project maintainer can make modifications such as content and status transitions at any stage.

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